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Live cash game genral advice plz.
How different is a live cash game to an on-line one?
There's a game locally tomorrow night and I'm going to take a shot at it.
Blinds are £1/£1 (Not a typo). Max buy-in is £100. I'm going to take £200 in my pocket and not play scared.
The players won't be pros or anything but will mostly have more live experience than me.
Think it's 9 handed too which I don't have too much experience with (none in cash).
Any advice gratefully received.
(I know it's not good BRM but it's not often I get a chance to do something like this and the money's been set aside.)
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Almost always looser and more passive live than online from my experience. I'd suggest a very ABC very TAGish type strategy, should be good for £1/£1
You will probably make some mistakes ( I know I did the first time I went) in regards to betting out of turn, not been able to follow the action, not anoncing raises etc, just understand beforehand it will probably happen and relax about it and things should go OK.
not sure what you are acually asking help for, youve played cash games, youve played plenty live. a poker game is a poker game is a poker game
You may think your ace 4 is aces!
Classy red wine drinkers up in Caithness dude. Just found out there's a cash game starting in 5 mins. I'm on my way. Drunkish but, like Dohhhhhhh, I play better drunk. Just my BRM that's suspect. And I can only lose the cash I have so my limit is set.
Thanks for advice all.