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You know the feeling, you go all in head to head with QQ v AK and their ace hits, then the next time you go all in with AK v QQ and your ace and king miss! So my question is, generally do you think you are lucky or unlucky at these types of all in races?
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Around half the time I'm lucky
And the other two thirds I'm not
Although there is only a 10% chance of any of this
being turned and rivered too many times at the moment so currently no
as I write this, got Js but get a 5bb raise followed by a reraise to 10bb pre with 2 steady players. I fold and a J high flop comes! typical! I was behind pre flop though.
outside of poker - lucky
The biggest problem is - the 50% I lose is usually for my tournie life or a monster stack and the 50% I win is usually only for a couple of hundred chips.
I guess she is too good looking for this site and they didnt want to offend all the swamp donkeys playing here
had kk in three diffrerent tourny's and each time they came up against aa.
no king came so that means they will hit in the next two times......right?
I counteract this by not risking my stack on tourney flips...simples!! Though usually the first time all my chips are over the line I'll go busto...must work on this lol!
On the upside I'm lucky in love so it can't be all bad ;oDD