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Should i keep playing the same way through this bad losing streak?
1st off sorry if iv posted in the wrong place. Right ever since iv tried implementing new techniques into my game ie 3 fold betting etc iv just hit 1 big poker wall and aint winning no tournaments at all? Before i tried this i was winning more than i was losing is it just a case of gradually implementing these techniques into your normal game or just going back to the way i played before? also could anyone suggest any good books on strategys because im playing way too aggressivly at the moment with hands that are costing me anyway thanks
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The first book I read was Helmuth's Play Like the Pros. It's good for absolute beginners - it helped me win my pub league just 3 months after taking up the game. But if you want a more in depth read with more useful tips I'd recommend Harrington On Hole 'Em. It comes in two parts about £30, but if you shop around you may find it cheaper.