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PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceIVISONSmall blind £0.10£0.10£20.00Harrycat33Big blind £0.20£0.30£8.20 Your hole cards99 rtcFold Floppy15Raise £0.80£1.10£22.28TevosFold HomeRunCall £0.80£1.90£11.74IVISONFold Harrycat33Call £0.60£2.50£7.60Flop 674 Harrycat33Check Floppy15Bet £1.50£4.00£20.78HomeRunAll-in £11.74£15.74£0.00Harrycat33Fold Floppy15Fold HomeRunMuck HomeRunWin £5.22 £5.22HomeRunReturn £10.24£0.28£15.46
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I prob calls.
depends how tight he is and his hand range.. if you think his preflop raise was wiith an overpair then i would fold... he is looser could be ak with a draw inwhich case i would call