Thats not a gift ^ and half on the posts in here aren't gifts, this is a gift... Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance cyberdog Small blind £0.25 £0.25 £43.72 BULLYBOY10 Big blind £0.50 £0.75 £71.24 Your hole cards K K CrazyBen23 Call £0.50 £1.25 £59.00 robber180 Raise £1.00 £2.25 £45.71 loz_lou Fold JammyBee Call £1.00 £3.25 £51.25 Ozzie08 Fold cyberdog Raise £2.75 £6.00 £40.97 BULLYBOY10 Fold CrazyBen23 All-in £59.00 £65.00 £0.00 robber180 All-in £45.71 £110.71 £0.00 JammyBee Fold cyberdog Fold CrazyBen23 Unmatched bet £12.79 £97.92 £12.79 CrazyBen23 Show K K robber180 Show 8 8 Flop 9 3 7 Turn 4 River 5 CrazyBen23 Win Pair of Kings £96.12 £108.91 Prev Close window Next Posted by CrazyBen23
I have the nuts (as good as) with two people betting into me on 3 streets, you we're only 80% preflop, the lowest I dropped to was 78% explain how yours was more gifty please ?
They we all in with top 2 and top pair, how is that a gift? Gift = When someone gives u money by playing awfully, calling all in with 88 for a 100 bbs, pretty grim if you ask me
Yea mine isn't a proper proper gift to be fair, its not like he had 73, but still lol and yea i but i did it for a reason cos i was out of position to that guy and he was jamming all in a lot, instead this time he called it lol
Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance JohnConnor Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £20.08 guru Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £19.10 Your hole cards 5 5 donkeyplop Raise £0.80 £1.10 £22.71 presenter Fold JohnConnor Fold guru Call £0.60 £1.70 £18.50 Flop 10 7 5 guru Check donkeyplop Bet £1.70 £3.40 £21.01 guru Call £1.70 £5.10 £16.80 Turn 8 guru Check donkeyplop Bet £3.83 £8.93 £17.18 guru Call £3.83 £12.76 £12.97 River Q guru Check donkeyplop Bet £9.57 £22.33 £7.61 guru Call £9.57 £31.90 £3.40 donkeyplop Show 5 5 guru Muck K 10 donkeyplop Win Three 5s £30.30 £37.91 Posted by donkeyplop
Hard for opponent here but a nice gift for him to call the river over-shove
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancecyberdogSmall blind £0.25£0.25£43.72BULLYBOY10Big blind £0.50£0.75£71.24 Your hole cardsKK CrazyBen23Call £0.50£1.25£59.00robber180Raise £1.00£2.25£45.71loz_louFold JammyBeeCall £1.00£3.25£51.25Ozzie08Fold cyberdogRaise £2.75£6.00£40.97BULLYBOY10Fold CrazyBen23All-in £59.00£65.00£0.00robber180All-in £45.71£110.71£0.00JammyBeeFold cyberdogFold CrazyBen23Unmatched bet £12.79£97.92£12.79CrazyBen23ShowKK robber180Show88 Flop 937 Turn 4 River 5 CrazyBen23WinPair of Kings£96.12 £108.91PrevClose windowNext
Also im not a fan of limping utg with kk!
Worked nice that time though.
Heres mine from tonight, was on mega tilt as was a few buyins down then.......................
As you can see my a3 crushing his a2
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceBiaTuSmall blind £0.15£0.15£16.31Gee3Big blind £0.30£0.45£29.70 Your hole cardsKK demenace06Fold vjjFold xxxRaise £15.00£15.45£10.08CrazyBen23All-in £38.78£54.23£0.00BiaTuFold Gee3Fold xxxxAll-in £10.08£64.31£0.00CrazyBen23Unmatched bet £13.70£50.61£13.70xxxxShow99 CrazyBen23ShowKK Flop 746 Turn 6 River 8 CrazyBen23WinTwo Pairs, Kings and 6s£48.81 £62.51PrevClose windowNext
Been away for a few weeks to refresh and return to this................