In Response to A little clue for a big day. : excellent play on words Dave....................................... but you must have wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much time on your hands lol Posted by scouse_red
You have to make a little bit of effort for the special occasions, don't you
Anyway happy birthday - Took down the 6pm one - Was a good game and good fun too - Just hope i,ve not used all my luck up as I need it for the DS semi in which i,ve satelited in for £2 - Would love to get to the final
whats this about is it a comp or am i missing somthing please fill me in
Its down due to over capacity
Anyway happy birthday - Took down the 6pm one - Was a good game and good fun too - Just hope i,ve not used all my luck up as I need it for the DS semi in which i,ve satelited in for £2 - Would love to get to the final