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Has anyone else had one of those nights where they run so bad its beyond belief. Im well aware of the variance factor and how it can all change so quickly but it seemed everything i entered tonight i ended up losing against some very oridnary plays.
One situation really annoyed me, in the £11 bounty hunter i raised in the cutoff with AA and was called in the SB.
Flop comes 2 5 J rainbow i make a cont bet and he raises all in. I think for a while but end up calling.He shows 10 6 and hits turn 6 river 10.
On another occasion i have 10 10 v 9 9 in a 11 pound sit and go.It ends up all in after the flop of 8 6 4. Turn is 5 and river is 7. This is to name but a few of beats.
I thought i stayed off tilt pretty well but needed this post to let it out. Anyone else had a night like this?
The complete opposite for me tonight - I binked everything, including a shocker with A-T v J-J. Board came 2-2-J-A-A I think. Ugh.
On another Table, my A-K held "on the bubble" & some poor chap berated me uphill & down dale for 20 minutes solid.
My KQ v MickJenn A-T (AIPF) was a bit ugly, too, running Queens getting me home.
Oh, & Quad 5's.....
And Set over set with K-K-K v 8-8-8.
I guess I just get lucky a lot.
Unless you are complaining that you are running too good?
Of the all ins iv had iv been in front around 80% and lost 75% of them, to make matters worse I don't know if you notice but the games are getting very aggressive and there are big bets, raises, and re-raises.
Iv had far to many bad beats to mention and wont bore anyone with them as everyone has been there! but the latest was tonight in the 9.30 BH, I'm all in with A J and get called by J 10 and a 10 comes. Don't even ask about the AA KK iv had and been cracked.
The four years iv been playing on sky Iv always kept in the black this is the first month iv not done so and have had to reload my account several times, even the wife feels sorry for me so it must be bad.
the only thing that keeps me going is that it will turn around and then I want those lag's and donkey players that love to gamble and go all in because when I turn my cards over and I'm in front I will stay there!!! so don't despair your not the only one that cant win at the moment everyone goes through it (although never this long lol) but I still love the game and its not life and death. good luck
We all get the same luck, no matter who we are, but it comes in batches, good & bad.
That's all I'm trying to demonstrate. Luck is a huge part of poker, & we all get roughly the same amount of it.
Several players were very upset with me tonight, but luck just happens.
Tomorrow, I hope it's their turn to get lucky.
Keep up the good work!