Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Huge Congrats to Rich Orford
£8k Sky Sports DSTournament CompleteFinished at 23:45 - 31 MarRegistered60 / 60Players Left0 / 601RichOrford - £3600 + 40 League Points2beaneh - £2400 + 36 League Points3GliterBabe - £1680 + 28 League Points4HITMAN_RV - £1200 + 22 League Points5sara36dd08 - £960 + 18 League Points6yoyo - £840 + 14 League Points7DannyMcs - £720 + 10 League Points
0 ·
april the 1st!
Haha, there's no way anybody would ever fall for that, but I like it anyway.