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Unorthodox Poker learning tools.
Poker has been a big part of my life for a round 6 years now, I've bought a lot of books, bought the famous DVD's and played lots of sites and lots and of hands.
Im playing online alot less now and am having to funnel my enthusiasm into different mediums until the casino opens. Mainly this has been the Xbox, which has been relagated over the years.
I've got totally hooked on the 2006TOC WSOP edition, crazily there's loads to reinforce the lessons we know and choose to forget. Its like speed (rush) tournament poker if configured well. Really makes a quick study on many elements of poker, dealing with all player types/stack sizes and tournament stages.
I know this sounds kind of daft so please dont attack, but I wouldnt put it up here if I didnt think there was value to it, really does act as a very quick reference simulator. Dont get me wrong, its blooming awful overall, but you have to play exceptionally well to beat it overall. I used to work nights and just play a different version on a PSP, learning all the different variations of poker, also very useful.
I still think the best overall poker learning tool is to discuss hands/strategy with your peers though.
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