Playing at a site that rhymes with blokercars this weekend.
I put down $400 and wanted it to last so was playing 25/50c two tables (350BB max 6 max). Not playing longterm, or even for profit, just wanted something to do. Have found online makes me really irratible and am really trying to give it up.
Anyway, I'm sat with about about $380 on one table and have played (been dealt) around 400 hands, two players have been their the whole time, other two seats have been fairly fluid.
I make it $1.70 UTG with 22, all fold but BB who makes it an even $5
This guy has been pretty solid, but I have a good feel for his range/style so board comes big I'm out, otherwise we'll see what happens.
He bets like he ought to, $6.40. I call. I was always putting him on AK/Q, no intention of folding to one bet on a mainly low board. Pretty sure he doesnt have a J, only worried about PP, 8's upwards.
7cJh8s 8c.
I really, really feel like he's missed. He fires $15 into about $23. I make it $40 mainly to see what he does.
I give this guy credit for being a good solid player, with good ability and a fair few moves. He makes it an even $100. I scroll across to fold (asked the question got an answer) but last second I just dont buy it. I really really put him on AK/Q. I make up the $60 to see what happens on the river
7cJh8s 8c 5sHe leads out very quickly (no study) with one of those weird decimal points bets in the low $120 range, I call. I get called a calling station (again) and fish (again), he mucks
I dont often make these calls online, without the physical reads and time to really strip apart the hand, I cant believe its profitable in the longterm. Or is it just too spewy? I cant really decide.
Probably too spewy though as lost the whole bankroll about 10 mins ago after flopping top two on multiple tables, getting it in by the turn then getting outdrawn to better top two..myeh. Plus having A's cracked when all in on the flop 400BB deep, villain hitting case Q on river..myeh

Its not that I dont play online for profit, its that I cant make profit online, dont get a bee in your bonnet bud! Whatever flaw there is in my game I'm acknowledging it and trying not to play online, as for whichever reason its not a good fit.
Massive respect to those that have made it work for them online though.
although his turn 3bet is pretty weird as we rep 78/77/88/JJ/9T really really well so i dont nl50 regs will would do it with QQ+ for value
Freely admit it was pretty stubborn, but I was pretty confident he just held the two big cards. If he had studied for value on the river I may have folded also, but the speed and bet size were just wrong from him