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what if?

edited April 2011 in The Shed
sitting here doing my household budget and cursing the bankers and government.
council taxrise,petrol...silly money per gallon(yep, I'm English, bring back feet and inches too)
food going up etc etc.
But I ve got an idea. What if poker players and other sportspersons took over the running of the country?
Oh yer I hear you say. Not so daft rearly cos we could 'nt do any worse.And poker is getting very popular, lots of voters there then.
So here is my view of things to come. (fictional of course.)

It all started during a break in a live tourney in Blackpool. Players were moaning about the economic situation and how they were not able to commit as much to poker they once did."Crikey" said Harry the haulage contractor"I only play 5 nights a week now, fuel bills are crippling."
And several others were discontent. As they sat there moaning a well known football manager came and joined them.
He was an occasional player, mainly for fun, and had a reputation for plain speaking.
 "Time someone stood up and took on the government. What it needs is like minded people to join a fringe party and gain power within that party.People like us"
"yes, but which party?" asked a well known local poker player, known as Silly Sid. so called cos he would call with anything.
"U K I P would be the obvious choice, get us out of Europe and save 40m a day. And we would'nt have to abide by their silly rules" said another player.
"hey," said the football manager,"I want to be in Europe, but I know what you mean."
So after a bit more chat they decided to contact likeminded friends and poker personalities with a view to joining and taking over U K I P.
Within a few weeks many poker players and sports personalities had joined the party. And., to cut a long story short, within a year they were controling the party. Needing a figurehead the members, thousands of whom were grass roots poker players, voted in probably the finest English cricketer of all time. Sir Ian Botham
.If he can raise in excess of 10m for charity what could he do for the country? And also prominent were several top poker players,Silly Sid bieng deputy leader.
The plan was simple. Use existing party funds and donations from new members to go around Europe and play on line to boost party coffers. Have a select few (unknowns but good players) go to Vagas and do some hussling.
As that very annoying animal in the advert says" Simples"

Watch this space to find out how it all unfolds.
Will the party go broke?
Will Sir Ian lead his troops as he did on the field?
Will Silly Sid win a hand or two?
What do the great British public make of the new contenders for government?
Is Cameron worried?

More later.

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