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Tricky preflop spot with QQ 200bbs deep
Since the new mastercash players opened I've been playing deep a lot more, so obviously have been getting into spots pretty deep against regs which I wouldn't have done as much before (these are the first 200bb tables I've ever played on other than live). I'd been 3betting a fair amount but nothing too crazy I don't think. The villain in the hand is a very good reg, and he was pwning me in these kinda spots (this wasn't the only difficult preflop spot he put me in), he defo would have had a lot more experience on deeper stacked tables than me and I really didn't know what to do. Is QQ good enough to get stacks in btn vs blinds even 200bbs deep? Should I be flatting preflop because I'm sort of turning my hand into a bluff by 3betting here? But then if I'm only going to be 3betting AA/KK for value I'm going to become pretty easy to play against.
I was a bit lost tbh.
yb | Small blind | | £0.50 | £0.50 | £385.96 |
offshoot | Big blind | | £1.00 | £1.50 | £203.02 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
jimmynoleg | Fold | | | | |
MRFOXXXX | Fold | | | | |
sam1986 | Fold | | | | |
villain | Raise | | £3.00 | £4.50 | £197.00 |
yb | Raise | | £12.00 | £16.50 | £373.96 |
offshoot | Fold | | | | |
villain | Raise | | £33.00 | £49.50 | £164.00 |
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What happened when you shoved?
This has got to be a bad move as he won't call your flop bet if he doesn't hit, unless he has kings or aces.