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No reads, 20p/40p cash
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceshawsokSmall blind £0.20£0.20£62.68MrWh1teBig blind £0.40£0.60£39.43 Your hole cardsJJ bladeboy07Fold TUNESCall £0.40£1.00£18.75xxxxxCall £0.40£1.40£32.28shawsokCall £0.20£1.60£62.48MrWh1teRaise £1.60£3.20£37.83TUNESFold xxxxxCall £1.60£4.80£30.68shawsokFold Flop J29 MrWh1teBet £3.60£8.40£34.23xxxxxCall £3.60£12.00£27.08Turn 10 MrWh1teBet £12.00£24.00£22.23xxxxxCall £12.00£36.00£15.08River 2 MrWh1teBet £6.00£42.00£16.23xxxxxAll-in £15.08£57.08£0.0
I am interested in both sides of the play here. At first I felt it was his fault for calling on flop. Is it standard after that?
What could either side do differently?
He says he knew I hit FH on river. Surely he should be flatting the river? Or will he win enough long-term to get his money all in here?
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If he does have QK you betting out 6 and him jamming for another 9 he could well think he is ahead even though he states i know you had the house over time this probably will be profitable as every paired board isnt going to give someone a house and most times a straight will be good there (if of course he does have a straight) i think you played it fine apart from the turn where you could of bet less to avoid being comitted on the river
I bet the pot because I wanted to take the pot there and then. There were flush and straight draws and I wanted to kill the pot. Seems like everytime lately I bet less someone hits the draw
Until he called the turn I didn't have him on the straight draw, I thought there was more chance he had a flush draw. When he called the turn I was then pretty sure he had hit his inside straight draw but thought there was also a chance of him hitting a lower set.
By the river I still pretty sure the straight but the reraise led me to think there was a chance he hit quads, though by then there was no chance of a laydown anyway
bet turn smaller to make it easier for him to call with the weaker part of his range, you can still easily set up a river shove. Also when you bet you want him to call with draws once you charge him enough. You are value betting so you want worse hands to call, if the bet makes nearly all worse hands fold then its a bad bet
shove river yourself.