lol i didnt say ur not good. just wonder why u shortstack. if ur not bust and u have confidence in ur game then buy in for full. whenever i see u run up a stack to like 200/300bb u dont stand so u must have confidence in playing that deep.
I have a nice roll still, but am not confident enough, im still learning cash, so i will probs buy in short till i feel i have the measure of most players at that level. I generally buy in max at nl 50, sometimes at 100nl but often 60ish and never at 200nl as im not good enough. Iv made a nice profit off nl 50 so shall start playing cash properly soon fingers crossed. Just need more confidence and patience:)
If u wanna play cash wacko u gotta do it the hard way, start low - ish, and work your way up. Jumping str8 in at the top end isn't gonna work long term, and probably not short term either. Just play 20nl, with 100xbb and you'll be at 50nl within a couple of months anyway. Taking shots at all sorts of levels with half stacks n stuff might be fun, but so is winning money :-) Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Hi doh. Iv been 5 tabling 30nl for about 2 weeks now and found it very confortable tbh, maybe its just luck though. But yeah i found out pretty quickly that jumping straight in wasnt going to work, i think my cash game has come on aalot recently and im confident at play nl50 now maybe i shouldnt play higher just yet but i like to challenge myself and i havnt lost so why not? but i agree with you, i think il stick to nl 30 for another few weeks then play 50..
Yeh I'm opening DOH's school of boring bankroll man.! lol. Prob the one thing I can give solid advice on.
"maybe i shouldnt play higher just yet but i like to challenge myself and i havnt lost so why not? but i agree with you, i think il stick to nl 30 for another few weeks then play 50.."
Stick with me wacko that "few weeks" will be a "few years" lol.
But also, you're miles better at MTT's than cash. Unlike alot of people, I think you're actually quite under-rated in mtt's, and you don't really get the credit you deserve. I don't think you're primos were a fluke at all.
So If I were you I'd use the 60 and 70 quids you use to take shots at 100nl, and use the money to take shots at $100+ mtt's elsewhere, you could get a mahoooosive bink.
Good advice thanks dohh The thing is, mtts can only get me so far and i want to make the transition to cash. I definitely feel i have the ability to really make some serious money but i dont have the head. I agree with you, mtts are by far my strongest aspect (came top 10 in ME tonite (blatant brag)) and im sure if i really grinded i could make a nice profit/ But maybe im just wishful thinking The transition from mtts to cash is very very hard though, but now im making money at cash is it worth stopping and going back to mtts?
Nah I'm not saying stop cash, but don't use MTT wins to fund cash shots. Grind through the levels properly.
If you play on the big sites you can do like 20 MTT's a night that are similar to skys main event (buy in/field size etc)
I'm the other way round, I feel I could make big money by binking mtt's. But I don't have the head. I can't sit there for 5 hours and concentrate the whole time.
So when I do the bigger mtt's I don't expect anything. I play maybe 1 sky main event per month.
You can be good at both, and play lots of both. Player search somebody like scotty at 8pm on a weeknight. You'll see him playing allsorts.
But with cash just remember it's a grind, and people who spin their roll up really fast and fly through the levels normally end up on their ar*ses.
Slow and steady! (abit faster than I go...but still, steady away.) lol.
I'm off to kip, make sure the plonkers @ 30nl have some money left for me 2moro night.
In Response to Re: 2/4 NL omaha anyone?;) : Lol, dont worry pryce there will be plenty of opportunities for me to donk off my money to you Posted by Wacko90