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Playing $200 FONLHE (90 seater)
Not going to give the result as people have suggested (but title may give it).
Down to 14 players on two tables (12 being paid), for some reason the BB is sat out, connection issues I thought at the time.
I'm second in chips, UTG is chip leader. He limps, I find A's. I make it 6xBB to make it look like I'm after the free juice (with the BB sat out and him limping + antes), I figure if he buys it, he'll jam on me. He flats
Flop comes A57 rainbow. He jams allin, really disproportianately.
Got to figure he thought i was making a play pre, or doesnt want to get pushed off A9 through J. I obviously call with the nuts.
Any guesses as to the result?
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I guess the BB being sat out enticed him in.
Even worse though, the $22 MTT i was in - 3000 odd runners - I'm the top 30 chips stacks from the start. Bloody bt broadband goes down for two hours. Connect back, have lost 90% of my stack, jam with 10's 3rd hand after re connecting min raised by Q's. Awful bloody night. I still cashed around 270th but still...
Often happens when final tabling, the disconnect issue. Once thought of a business model to offer insurance against it. I see someone has done it now though.
Just speaking for myself, it doesnt matter how good or experienced you are, poker can often times be mood dependant. It shouldnt be, but it is.
I know if I've just gad a real bad barny with the ladyfriend I shouldnt play, as my temper is up and my emotions are all over the place. I've never thought as online being much different.
The biggest online tournament i ever played i got done out by an early position limper. The 2.5M guarenteed Lindgren 2 day event $2k buy in. Guy limps A10. I find AK in the SB, my stack size doesnt allow a raise fold, I jam 28ish BB's he calls with A10. A hits the flop, 10 spikes the river. I couldnt believe someone would limp call his stack off there for that buy in...but they do..god they do.
But having someone satout on the BB always mixes up the table dynamic. But I get your point.
think u played perfect as you went in big fave and pre flop got him to call 6x raise, very ul mate
Good skill to you out there