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Playing 80 seater £50FOLHE this evening, live.
Very weird hand. 3rd hand in i pick uo Akd UTG+2. 25/50 i make it 175.
Weird fidgety guy announces raise, putting in 225 in the middle. Before anyone can say anything SB calls the 225. I pause, ready to say non bet, but two or three other guys do it for me. I dont really want to make a fuss, happy to see a flop cheap early doors, but they demand tournament director make a ruling. He makes it that the fidgety guy makes it 300 , min bet. Again the SB that insta called the 225 calls the 300. I dont reaqlly want to take the AK three handed OOP. I raise, plus 700.
Fidgety guy hates it but calls, SB folds. Fidgety guy isnt faking. He clearly has AJ/q
Flop comes 3910 rainbow. How do you proceed?
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How many chips did you start with?
As a general point, people who fidget or whose hands shake usually have the goods and the reraise puts him on more than just AQ or AJ.
Dont know how you know this though after 3 hands, even if you are sure he doesnt like it he could have 99,TT, he mighnt be overjoyed with these in a 4bet pot
Why did you 4bet pre? Not wanting to take a flop isnt a good enough reason imo. What are you doing if you are raised?
As i said the guy really was pretty clueless. I didnt have any broad reads as it was the 3rd hand as you say. But I did have alot of time to gauge him while the Tournament director arrived. He clearly was unhappy, not taking his table mates questioning well, or seeming confident in any way shape or form.
The TD gave the ruling that I knew he would, action back to fidgety guy forcing a min bet. I'd already decided to 3bet, he hates it alot, seeming to know he's backed himself into a corner confirming my read of Aq/J.
Given that my read in this instance was so strong I'd of insta called if he had 4 bet allin. Flop came 7102R. I Bet, he still doesnt like it but calls. A hits the turn, I jam, he still hates it but calls showing AQ.
Technically u 4bet.
I dont particularly want to go 3way to the flop, I also dont want to raise if it makes all worse hands fold and all better ones continue - this is probably not the case, so 4betting is probably fine, it depends a little on stacks
I dont really play live, but I doubt you can narrow his range to 2 hands with such limited info, also how do you know he calls your raise with these hands and small blind folds his entire range