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Should I have placed a larger bet pre flop on my KK
Hand History #362184135 (22:44 15/04/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceOoh_I_SaySmall blind 2000.002000.0073630.00spudefcBig blind 4000.006000.0045514.50 Your hole cardsKK hollyjoshFold MRDICKIEFold Geordie93Raise 8000.0014000.0039812.50-ace-Fold Ooh_I_SayFold spudefcCall 4000.0018000.0041514.50Flop 49A spudefcCheck Geordie93All-in 39812.5057812.500.00spudefcCall 39812.5097625.001702.00spudefcShow3A Geordie93ShowKK Turn 5 River 4 spudefcWinTwo Pairs, Aces and 4s97625.00 99327.00
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Why are you shoving flop? Nothing better folds, I doubt anything worse calls
Only been playing for a week so still learning... guess i have lots still to learn