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smiler is back and Sharing some more GOOD news!!!

edited June 2011 in The Shed
hI ALL, SORRY FOR THE LONG SILENCE FROM ME, BUT iVE BEEN WORKING HARD ... 3 weeks left at uni and I have DONE my dissertation, it was in a day early too :)  MEGGA SMILES!!!
BUT thats NOT why I am jumping with joy today, oooh noooo The reason I am skippydadoo Is cos I did it!! I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST today!!! I am over the moon too :D

1-So in 4 months I have got my grades up at uni by 23%
2-Got engaged to my amazing other half while in Amsterdam for my birthday  ( yep I will soon be Mrs Smiler Ex-Poacher  )   hahaha
3- handed in a 10,000 word dissertation, that I know I couldnt make any better than it was.
4-passed my theory test (5th January)
5-PASSED my Practical Driving test...... TODAY

IM SO smiley right now my face aches lol

So I would like to take this oppertunity to thank you all for your kind words of support and usefull tips along the way, through driving lessons from good and bad instructors, Giving me tips on keeping myself sane and saving myself from the poverty line while taking lessons....  :-/

So, i will finish Uni in 3 weeks, and HOPEFULLY (if my grades are good) GRADUATE in Novemeber........

and no messing about with busses or taxis now!! YEEEEHAAAA

I KNOW this is not poker related but we all need a bit of good news from time to time, so I wanted to thank you guys and gals and also share my good news too...

CHEERS everyone :-)


  • edited April 2011
  • edited April 2011
     Great News and the Sun is shining to.!  Well, we all knew you would PASS with flying colours, you had that determination to get your Licence and drive all the other road user's mad trying to stay out of your way. Only Joking "WELL DONE" H.G.V next then Formula 1.   methinks.?  Hugs Annie x
  • edited April 2011
    Brilliant News, Well done on all accounts!!

    While u were in The Dam, did you get to the Big Club called 'Escape', how brill is That!!!
     Was there 4 weeks ago on mi step-sons stag !!

  • edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: smiler is back and Sharing some more GOOD news!!!:
    Brilliant News, Well done on all accounts!! While u were in The Dam, did you get to the Big Club called 'Escape', how brill is That!!!  Was there 4 weeks ago on mi step-sons stag !!
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    Thank you for your kind comment.... as for the Dam, nope, we didnt go to that club, or any club tbh, on our 1st night we slept ....we did just drive from teesside to edinburgh then flew to amsterdam right enough..but we are hoping to go back there in Nov or Dec so maybe we will check it out then.....  :) 

    Im of out for a drive now :-) cos I CAN :)
  • edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: smiler is back and Sharing some more GOOD news!!!:
    Posted by paige55
    THANK YOU .... I am sure i will be back with an update on grades in July( if i pass) or if nothing posted you know ive failed and have to wait till august to do resits.... G  U L P !!!

    Heres hoping I cross the finish line with my mates at uni... and graduate with them in November!  FINGERS CROSSD anyways :0)

  • edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: smiler is back and Sharing some more GOOD news!!!:
     Great News and the Sun is shining to.!  Well, we all knew you would PASS with flying colours, you had that determination to get your Licence and drive all the other road user's mad trying to stay out of your way. Only Joking "WELL DONE" H.G.V next then Formula 1.   methinks.?  Hugs Annie x
    Posted by logdon
    THANKS Annie,
    It was a bit close though...still had a few minors but NO major falts this time round.... It was difficult going out on my own the 1st time though, really difficult tbh, our car is a who;e lot different to the one ive been learning in, and i need to be more rough with our car....but im getting the hang of it, ive only been out on my own a few   times, ( about 4 i think) but I feel ok now compared to the day after i passed, i was so scared i stalled LOTS and didnt like to give it much welly, so kept stalling again and again lol BUT now im ok, ( as long as ex-poacher is not my paseger LOL) seems I loose it when he is beside me, but apparently im not alone there, lots of ladies ive spoke to say the same, as soon as there hubby is sat there beside them they loose all nerve and make silly mistakes.... awe well sun is out now so i might go for a run about again... im finding myself just popping to the shops for anything and nothing, just to get in the driver seat lol
    I need to learnhow to put petrol in now though lol Im ok about paying for it its the actual putting it in im not sure about, well they dont teach you that when your a learner.....

    hope you had a great easter bank holiday and enjoy the upcoming BH weekend too

    Catch ya again soon

    debbie x

  • edited April 2011
    HI debbie dont worry about any mistakes you make i still do after 30years of first car was a mini 850the one that had the long gear stick.i wonder if anyone else remembers that type of gear used to take all my strengh to change gear.AND YES hubby still makes me nervous when he is sat beside me. but now i just say would you like a couple of pints i will drive,he soon shuts up.all the best to you xxx paige aka trish
  • edited April 2011
    Congrats Smiler, Well done mate 

    Just remember,  you've passed your test... now is when you learn how to drive.  Be careful out there and have fun 
  • edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: smiler is back and Sharing some more GOOD news!!!:
    Congrats Smiler, Well done mate  Just remember,  you've passed your test... now is when you learn how to drive.  Be careful out there and have fun 
    Posted by JockBMW
    Thanks JockBMW,
    My hubby advised me the same,... I do seem to make many errors though when I have someone as a passenger, BUT I reckon thats just cos I wanna show I can actually drive well.... BUT s0ds law, thats when I stall, or  BUT yeah, your all right, I am still learning to drive, and I always will be, I hear my hubby saying the same too, he is always faced with new situations on the road and needs to adapt to each one seperatly... I hope to be as confident as I see him being one day though...  Im sure it will happen, just gotta keep practicing.

    Thanks again for the congratz
    Much appreciated
  • edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: smiler is back and Sharing some more GOOD news!!!:
    HI debbie dont worry about any mistakes you make i still do after 30years of first car was a mini 850the one that had the long gear stick.i wonder if anyone else remembers that type of gear used to take all my strengh to change gear.AND YES hubby still makes me nervous when he is sat beside me. but now i just say would you like a couple of pints i will drive,he soon shuts up.all the best to you xxx paige aka trish
    Posted by paige55

    Hi Trish,...

    I am gathering confidence each time i go out on my own in the car, I just need to keep hold of it when my other half gets into the passenger seat....  I am sure it will come eventually, :-)
    I been out a lot more lately, and feel ok about it too, only 1 thng I dislike is when I am at uni all day and half the night,... reading, studying and getting tired... THEN driving home... I realy dislike this feeling... So Now I decided to start leaving the library a little earlier to avoid the dread of driving home, OR study from home instead.... ( I Must say I do prefer that anyway)
    It dawned on me today, I have only asked for ONE lift since I passed my test.... nearly 2 weeks ago now too... I USED to get a LIFT to uni, work, town, shops  ANYWHERE and everywhere, but now its as easy as "nipping to shops" and feeling ok about doing so aswell.....
    Poor hubby must worry thuogh, I still have a tendency to ring him to let him know i arrived ok , I didnt think about it till a few days ago, he must DREAD the phone ringing when I have the car... So now its a case of no news is good news...

    Right I best get thisuni work finished, only one more essay and my degree is O V E R !!! Thank goodness

    I will pop back and check on here for any updated comments etc, and as always i will add to this "learning the roads as a newby post..  :-)

    Take care and talk soon

    Smiler aka Debbie

  • edited May 2011
    Nice One, Good Luck with last bit of Uni work, it will be such an achievement when finished!!

    Glad ur gettin more confident with the drivin, well done!! Before u know it it will be second nature, but heed Jock's good advice, And NO drink is defo best!!  [It's the other nutters u gotta look out for]

    Hope I didna sound like a Grandad, LOl GL !!
  • edited June 2011
    n Response to Re: smiler is back and Sharing some more GOOD news!!!:
    Nice One, Good Luck with last bit of Uni work, it will be such an achievement when finished!! Glad ur gettin more confident with the drivin, well done!! Before u know it it will be second nature, but heed Jock's good advice, And NO drink is defo best!!  [It's the other nutters u gotta look out for] Hope I didna sound like a Grandad, LOl GL !!
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    CHEERS for your post :)
    yep, i think ive hit that stage of it being 2nd nature to me now.... but still a bit eeeky about dual carriage ways though!! LOl
  • edited June 2011
    Nice One!!

    hey How about joinin The HitSquad, Big tourney tonight The Forum DTD!!!

    Have a look at DTD thead & HitSquad HotNews !!! LOL

    YOU WANT IN ?????
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