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Strategy for 60p roulette rebuy
after 20 + rebuys the other night and not getting to the button quick enough i lost out
i played it again tonight and bought in for 36 rebuys even though the leader was on 200k + , but have now realised its about playing for 2nd or 3rd place and once you decide to go down the rebuy route you have to stick to it for an hour depending on how many players are left as most players are practically rebuying on every hand, due to blind levels being so high
has anyone had experience with these and what is the best strategy to play when your down to last 3-5 players?
although I had 36 rebuys I managed to get £18 for 3rd but it was a bit of a lottery at the end and i could have quite easily got nothing in 4th or £28 for 2nd dependind on where the button is on the brk (which was supposed to be after 1 hour but for some reason was 1 hour and 2 minutes
Any tips and advice for these crazy games plz?
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My advice would be to do a lot of folding saving on rebuys, esp in the early stages seen as doubling up wont really matter seen as you'll be all-in cos of the blinds
I watched one once where it was the cash bubble and they were all re buying for about 40mins!
Becausee your automatically all in if you on the SB or BB normally and can,t rebuy after that
I don,t normally and tbh didn,t even notice but now I,ve picked up on how to play them I will probably carry on