I'd like to think I know my way around a poker game, dont claim to be great. I earn a decent wage but am overall in profit from poker. My big failing has always been discipline and BR managment.
I was hoping that some of you guys could offer some tips to help me manage my steam a little? I dont play cash, only S+G and the odd MTT.
I have a really nasty habit of playing very well, building my BR to between 500% 800%, running bad then just burning it.
Like today I cashed in 13 of 14 DYMs. Then multi way flop from the BB i flop a D flush with 7d5d in a 4 way pot. I lead out potsize as I dont want to get hurt on a later street. Some guy jams on me, I make a kind of loose call all in, he has 2nd pair no D. Hits runner runner FH. Hate it so I go straight to Deal or no Deal loose 80% of my BR playing £10 games. Put my last £17 on roulette black, comes in, play £25 Deal or no Deal do ok off that and I'm back pretty much where I started.
I am a pure flamer online, always have been. I live with Amybr, he has given me some pretty good advice, but many of you guys seem to hold "diverse" points of view to him

. Can you help me?
(Although I am a online flamer, I'm not in debt and only gamble what I can loose, so please dont go down that route. I just chase me losses like an idiot and would really appreciate any tips)
S+G wise I try to play for a maximum of 8%BR and only enter the MTT if I'm freerolling from the S+G's. I know this is kind of high, but I struggle to be patient.