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This hand has kept me awake.
Would really appreciate your input on this hand. I have real mixed feeling on it.
Playing Live £50 FO, around 40 runners. Its quite early in the game 2nd level, 50/100 (10K starting stack 25min blinds). I raise from the cut off with JhJD 325. SB calls, BB calls without ever looking at his hand
975 in pot going to flop avg stack is around 11k
Flop comes 4c5c7h
SB checks. BB has been quite spewy, quit active never really seems to think much.
He leads right out for 650. I put him on two clubs or a six in his hand. I call with a plan for the turn, as I dont think he folds the flush draw to a big raise on the flop. I'm hoping the turn bricks so I can re raise all in at the turn, or lead strong. SB folds behind.
2275 going to the turn. We both have about 10k back 4c5c7h 10d.
10d is effectively a brick IMO. If he has 68/36 I'm as behind as I was on the flop. I felt he'd lead out again and he does. He makes it 1400 to go. I'm pretty sure he still has a draw, seems like now is the right time to pull the trigger. He may have committed his stack on the flop, but I dont see how he can do it at the turn. I cant reraise fold and I dont want to see another card come off So I move all in. Guy insta calls with
Qc6c. Makes his flush on the river.
I was really annoyed at this hand. I felt like I knew where I was the whole time, playing it as well as I could. I gave the guy a ridiculous price at the turn once I'd got him to put in as much as I thought he was going to. Obviously river bricks its happy days for me, early double up.
I really felt like I'd played this near perfectly. Do any of you guys take the flat turn, fold if the river hits one of the known danger cards? I hate this line normally but its really frustrated me today
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Happy with the shove, happy with his call, river says it's not my night.
(Rorschach is awesome btw)
But the turn is a pretty sweet spot bud. The guy has no hand + your asking a huge price. There arent many good players that will call there.
EDIT: Sorry probably closer to 3/5 fav. But its still pretty gross.
Just a bad beat, move on , inflict one on someone else
BTW why are you putting him exclusively on a draw? If thats your read hand is played perfectly, but why so sure he never has anything else
Lol, like this.
I dont know quite how to answer your question bud. I am a math player in the main, but If I have a strong instinct in a hand I've found that you should always follow it. It was in part the bet size, his cavalier attitude and disregard for my pre flop opening bet. I'm very tight aggressive tournament wise, he knows this so I think he may opt to check call with 1pr and over. But in all honesty I think that if I hold J's this is the kind of flop I expect to get felted on
I do like how I played it, just a dissappointing result. Am playing 2/4 PLOH this evening so hope I can do some damage there