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I want to play a live touney but i dont have photo id but id get into a pub no bother does anyone know any pubs in glasgow that do wee poker tourneys?
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James Feeney (Franchise) also has a deal with the miners club in Hamiltion who have a license for poker games, usually see something crop up every couple of months from Team games to normal games, as well as the leagues usual Regional and National finals. Im not sure if they do a Champions tournament like D&G and the Scottish Borders do.
Poker for the league games usually is ok, as the nuts games do accept 16+ as long as its ok with the pubs (however 16 & 17 year olds cannot play within the regional, national and champions tournaments) so the only problem with it would be, would actually be staying in the pub.
The other thing of note, is its very unlikley you'll get into a casino unless your already registered without id.
I hope this helps, if ou need more info dont hesitate to contact me,
google redtooth poker and put in your postcode or poker tree and do likewise.
Bear in mind pub poker is a lot different to normal tournament stuff. You generally only have 3 hours or so for the tourney and it should be geared to finish by 11pm. Buy ins are also limited to £5 (or should be) and prize fund limited to £100 so sometimes becomes a bit of a donkfest.
I thought it was a £250 prize pool or is that different because its a snooker club?
Having worked in pub poker industry for 2 years i suggest anyone who wants to play pub poker check out pokerinthepub, no pub league can beat these prizes for a FREE poker league.
The information i have after speaking to people about Poker in the Pub is that it is probably the next line down from Redtooth and TNPL.
Although i no longer work in the industry i have to admit, i think the big 2 will eventually run over the rest of them, although they will still run, itll be like a live version of PS and FTP v the rest of the sites i think (well before this whole USA situation)