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only because jj asked me to!!
pod1Small blind 15.0015.005345.00DAIBOOTBig blind 30.0045.004790.00 Your hole cards67 DirewolfFold Wacko90Fold lJAMESlRaise 90.00135.002804.37pod1Call 75.00210.005270.00DAIBOOTFold Flop 6K3 pod1Check lJAMESlBet 150.00360.002654.37pod1Call 150.00510.005120.00Turn 6 pod1Check lJAMESlBet 300.00810.002354.37pod1Call 300.001110.004820.00River 3 pod1Check lJAMESlBet 830.001940.001524.37pod1Call 830.002770.003990.00lJAMESlShowAA pod1Show67 pod1WinFull House, 6s and 3s2770.00 6760.00
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may i ask why you did flat the river did you think there was a chance he had kings or quads?
raise river