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ustbob Sit out xingma05 Small blind £0.15 £0.15 £73.21 Headup2 Big blind £0.30 £0.45 £101.70 Your hole cards KJ jazzyj Call £0.30 £0.75 £29.70 style2737 Fold ACEGOONER Raise £1.20 £1.95 £48.64 xingma05 Fold Headup2 Fold jazzyj Call £0.90 £2.85 £28.80Flop K99 jazzyj Check ACEGOONER Bet £2.14 £4.99 £46.50 jazzyj Call £2.14 £7.13 £26.66Turn 10 jazzyj Check ACEGOONER Check River Q jazzyj All-in £26.66 £33.79 £0.00 ACEGOONER All-in £46.50 £80.29 £0.00 ACEGOONER Unmatched bet £19.84 £60.45 £19.84 jazzyj Show 9K ACEGOONER Show KJ jazzyj Win Full House, 9s and Kings £58.65 £58.65
Im sure some of the experts will say I played it badly, but back to sngs where the random universe doesnt seem to exist!
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Fold river, nearly all his 9x have boated up, you are beat or splitting most of the time
Sng have variance too, not sure what your point is