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help! Lost half my bankroll
So, the other week I won a deep stack and went from £10 (my normal BR just to play a few micro SnGs and the odd MTT) to £40.
I figured that now that I have 10 buy-ins for 2p/4p I can start playing cash and grinding out some more money buy playing tight.
yesterday I literally couldn't win a hand. The most I won was 57p and I lost £20 in a day. I've looked over some of the losses and some were bad play, but most were from getting pot committed, then being pretty sure I was behind but calling anyway. an example was having AA and the flop coming 5K5, getting bet into so I raised all in thinking that most times they don't have the five. Turns out they had called my pre-flop raise with A5.
My question is what should I do now. I could play 2p/4p with a £20 bank roll by only getting £2 each time. But I'm more worried that I might just suck at cash and should trying playing the sit and goes more often. I find it so much more satisfying winning at cash games.
Does this happen to the big players playing the £1.50/£3 tables? Ever lost five buyins in a row without really winning any money back? Is it varriance or do I just suck at cash play?
At the moment I'm playing £1 DYMs (I've won two out of two so far) but I hate them so much. Should I just keep going till I get back to £40 and be more careful next time.
I can post the losing hands from my session if that would help.
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If you've never really played cash before it can take a while to adapt to it.
2p/4p is also mad at times, but if you've got a solid cash game and just stick to playing premium hands aggressively you can make a decent ammount.
The thing with 2p/4p is even if you jam it in with aces, you can easily get called by players with raggy hands. Ok sometimes they will get lucky, but over time you will win more than you lose.
When I first, first started though it was with DYM's right from the basement of 30p up to around £2.25 but the volume I was playing and how I had to play made my brain feel like it was beginning to melt so had to stop, however if you have a low bankroll and can withstand mental torture they are very good.
Now I play pure Deepstacks £1.10/£2.20 and have much more enjoyment, if anything once/if you get to around £50 I'd very much advise switching to these.
Losing 5 buyins could easily be just variance and happens all the time to good players, but I find people(myself included) tend to spew a couple of buyins after being coolered for a couple. Have a look back at your hands, post them if you are not sure how you played them
Definitely dont buy in short to cash games, you give up a lot of whatever edge you have. I would imagine dyms are a good method of bankroll building at low stakes but I would be suicidal if I had to grind these. Low stakes sngs might be a good option, its easy to learn a good basic strategy and they are full of fish
You know your beat but you still call ) DOH! you got it :O)
You can't develop your skill in an area that you haven't made that much profit in with only £20 bankroll, as it won't last long and you'll need to top it up.
IMO I would advise playing which ever discipline (i.e. Cash / Sit n Go / MTT) makes you the most cash/most consistent success. Then once your bankroll is sufficient to try an area that you enjoy (i.e. Cash) and hopefully your poker skills will improve to maintain a consistent profit playing a discipline you enjoy.
What more could you ask for!!
PS - Patience and it will all of a sudden "click" and hopefully you'll never look back.
5 BI is pretty standard but u need to be reviewing seeing if their are any common errors or post in clinic if you are not sure as there's alot of good posters on here.
personally if i had £20 even tho i have alot of experiance ill prob play £1.15 DYM. If you have a good success rate on these then add a table and monitor whether to 1 or 2 table, if comfortable then again i add a table i generally play 2 for DYM at £5.50-£11 level. Stick at DYM's till at least £50 then throw the odd £2.20 deepie maybe even £3.30 MTT as a treat. £100 at least for cash even nl4 imo and just play solid TAG
i would probably step up to £3 DYM,s when your back to £30 + where the rake goes down to 10% and with some of the winnings buy into the 2p/4p with the max ( £4 ) and think about your decisions a bit more as you seem to know where you are going wrong in that dept
GL - let us know how u get on
As for building your bankroll, it sounds like you have found your niche at sng dym's. Play those relentlessly until you have a decent BR behind you and then you have a bit of leeway to try other things. Keep a written diary on how and where your successes are and also more importantly where your losses are. I found that 2.20MTT bounty hunters can pay off as you can usually get your money back from the head prizes even if you dont cash.