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All in on the flop or turn?
Just played this hand in one of the micro-cash tables. Had the villain down as TAG and put him on a biggish pair. Though my raise repping the flush might push him off then tried again on the turn and river. Feel sure I made more than one error here. Any takers?
mstiltSmall blind £0.02£0.02£0.32Prop60Big blind £0.04£0.06£4.43 Your hole cardsJQ AlansLuckFold devonfish5Fold kalm58Raise £0.12£0.18£4.69mstiltFold Prop60Call £0.08£0.26£4.35Flop J610 Prop60Bet £0.20£0.46£4.15kalm58Call £0.20£0.66£4.49Turn 4 Prop60Bet £0.50£1.16£3.65kalm58Call £0.50£1.66£3.99River 4 Prop60Bet £1.66£3.32£1.99kalm58Call £1.66£4.98£2.33Prop60ShowJQ kalm58ShowKK kalm58WinTwo Pairs, Kings and 4s£4.60 £6.93
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he is not laying that hand down before the river

Maybe a shove on river will get him to fold but i doubt it
1. Your flop bet was too weak.
2. Your increasing bet sizes smacks of getting desperate? And,
3. If i've got KK & gut shot theres NO WAY I'm folding!
I would consider folding pre also
Find it weird why Kalm is pot controlling with KK to the 2nd nut flush :S
Maybe a shove on the river would scare the nit out of his seat
I'm a relative newbie too which is probably why I got so busy repping the flush I missed the gutshot f/house (if I was putting him on a pair). Agree with you on the flop bet. Had only just sat down and didn't have my "game" head on.
Not sure about increasing the bet - if I'm repping the flush and he's calling.
Respect to Lol_raise for taking the time.
I think the basic message is that I got a bit too fancy for my own good without planning what I'd do if he called me down. I thinkI'll pin this one up as a salutory lesson.