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Thursday's Double Stack - with Hartigan & The Raiser (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***)
It's the last Thursday of the month - which means it's time for Sky Poker's exclusive 60-runner £220 Double Stack event.
The tournament has an £8k guaranteed prizepool and starts at 8pm. The TV show starts on channel 865 at 8pm and on Sky Sports 4 at 10pm. I'll be joined in the studio by Ian 'The Raiser' Frazer and on the phone by Tony 'Tikay' Kendall - who's playing the Double Stack from his hotel room in Walsall. Glamorous!
Now, how about a hot topic? Well, hearing it was Michael Fish's birthday this week reminded me of his infamous "There won't be a hurricane" weather forecast from 1987. So...
What's the biggest mistake you've made at work? And did you get away with it?
Please post your stories in this thread, or e-mail
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What's the biggest mistake you've made at work? And did you get away with it?
I had stumbled upon a great website with some rather funny content one weekend.
So of course Monday morning arrives and fresh faced at work I decide it would be a good idea to show my work colleagues this website.
To my horror the website I thought it was turned out to be erm......shall we say.......a specialist adult website that would appeal to men who liked larger ladies.
Did I get away with it ?
Nope, my boss had seen the commotion and decided to come and have a look just as the website loaded.
Luckily she saw the funny side and I didn't get sacked.
Have a good show guys and thanks to Ian for keeping us updated on his escapades in Ireland.
Hi James have a great show tonight & GL 2 all in the Double Stack & BH
His game is poker
He's a bit of a joker
His bite is worse than his bark
He plays like a shark
His name is the raiser
He stuns like a tazer
Ladies and Gentlemen....Ian Fraizer
Ok that was rubbish.
There's not enough words that rhyme with Frazer.
With a movie flavour for James
Arnold Schwarzenegger in Eraser...
he's got nothing on our Ian Fraser
In Response to Re: Thursday's Double Stack - with Hartigan & The Raiser (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***):
My team leader was annoying me at work so i post on fb, if i can shoot 1 person in the head i know who it will be. So next day i go into work and in middle of talking on phone to a customer and i get pulled up who was it about we wont be in trouble so i admit it so got suspended for 4 weeks but at least i got paid lol
No spare LOL
Boss let me go early, before dark, and had to squint thru windscreen all the way from Bethnal Green back to Sheperds Bush !!
so got away with it....Just
One of the dealers joined the team at my local casino for the only other casino in the town. He was told when he handed his notice in that he would be banned from playing at his old casino for three months. Well that was ok he thought I can drive the 60 miles to the nearest casino for a game for three months.
Three months after he changed casinos he walks into his old gaff only to be told he was banned for life from playing in the casino... So he's now stuck with a 60 mile drive whenever he wants to play a live casino game.
Needless to say he was less that pleased by this... so he proceeded to berate the old casino on his face book page.
Unfortunately this led to the casino banning all dealers from his new casino. So now all of the dealers have the same 60 mile trip to get a game.
Did he get away with it...... Mmmm No, not if the reaction to the other dealers is anything to go by ;o)
By the way I originally posted this in the wrong thread does that counts as a work mistake lol
good show james and ian.