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Lively £1/2 cash game. I've played not so great, am down to about £110
Some crazy guy with too much money is raising every other pot regardless of position. I Find K's, UTG has limped, I limp hoping that serial raiser makes it his usual £20/30 bet so I can jam pre. Button calls, crazy guy limps also, as does SB, BB checks his option. I know i should be folding pretty much every flop, since i couldnt isolate.
Flop comes out Jh9c7s
SB opens for £7 into £10, I call with K's looking for a blank on the turn to end the hand with a pot sized bet. All other positioins fold, button makes it £30 to go. Opener doesnt love his hand but calls. Around £80 in the pot, I can only go allin or fold.
I know I've played my hand terribly, but when you have the serial raiser what can you do? I know one has a good J, the other having a draw, but could easily be againt J9, typical multi way limp hand.
I'm genuinely 50/50 on it. I decide to jam knowing i should probably fold, re raiser thinks and thinks then calls, SB goes into the tank then folds.
Buttons a nice guy, I have him covered, but as he's called the big bet I cant feel like I'm good and comment that the dealer needs to sort his pot out, he says dont worry I'm sure its coming to you )you being myself). He then shows 108o for the nut straight. I'm really pee-d off at this point as his statement confirms my read for the draw. He says sorry, thinking i'd outdraw him to the better straight........................................
Anyway off point i guess. even against 2 spewy players, after not getting the action you expected pre, this is a pretty easy fold on the flop right?
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As played fold the second action on the flop.
I only had 3BB in. Multi way limped pot, flop opener, gets called and is repopped strong. It was just dumb from me,