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Hand History #369276907 (16:58 07/05/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancepegleg24Small blind £0.02£0.02£4.55oldoakmenBig blind £0.04£0.06£1.16 Your hole cards55 Rebel_TzarRaise £0.20£0.26£1.98j50nat5625Call £0.20£0.46£1.14pegleg24Raise £0.66£1.12£3.89oldoakmenFold Rebel_TzarCall £0.48£1.60£1.50j50nat5625All-in £1.14£2.74£0.00pegleg24Call £0.66£3.40£3.23Rebel_TzarCall £0.66£4.06£0.84Flop JKA pegleg24Check Rebel_TzarAll-in £0.84£4.90£0.00pegleg24Call £0.84£5.74£2.39pegleg24Show55 Rebel_TzarShowKJ j50nat5625ShowQQ Turn 5 River 9 pegleg24WinThree 5s£5.30 £7.69i won this hand but one of the player at the table called me a fish can some one explain wat a fish is first of all and is this a bad play over all rebal was re raiseing pre alot
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What did you think you were beating on the flop ?
Flop call is godawful