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I'm a relative newcomer to on-line poker (4 months).
I've made a few posts on here and had some seriously good advice from many of you. Thanks!
Mostly I post to try to learn what I did wrong in poorly played hands and a pattern seems to be emerging. Much of the advice I get includes "fold-pre" as the first option, even when the posters are kind enough to analyse subsequest streets. This suggests to me that I'm playing too many hands I have no right to be in, often from the blinds. I understand position is important but, when a hand's been min bet/flat-called round to me in the BB, I find it difficult to not click the "Check" button, whatever rubbish I've got!
In one thread, BigBluster said:
"I know one guy who open folds in the blinds. He's tracked his stats and can demonstrate it's a winning play overall (by this I mean his overall stats improve)."
What do you reckon to that as a tactic?
I should add that I mostly play micro-cash and this situation comes up all the time.
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more money/chips are lost from the blinds than any other seat in most cases
Don't think that you have to slow play AK for example just because you were in the big blind and it was limpped round to you.
My thinking is that if I have rags in the blinds but get to see a flop for free I'm not playing unless I hit it harder than a really hard thing. Full house, flush or top end of a straight. I would be very cautious playing with two pair even in these situations
Post flop is harder from the blinds.
I think that you sdhould have a similar stance to playing post as what you would UTG. however in tournaments or STTs you could shove pre and defend you blind.
pre flop if you get a big hand such as AK raise that little bit more than normal to try and take it down in cash.