As much detail as possible then.
Playing £100 FO live. 19 runners. Pays top 3. Gtd 2.5k, £1400 £650 £450.
Starting stack 10k blinds run pretty well incremented, at 24 min intervals.
Pretty standard play throughout, I get to FT easily enough with a average stack. Get to the bubble 4 handed with the chip lead. Stack sizes are:
Myself 88k
Luckbox 57k
Random guy 25k
other random guy 20k.
Blinds 2k/4k, ante 600ish. I've been getting a lot of cards and hitting a lot of flops. No real reads on opponents as dont know them. Short stacks games are pretty weak but the hands that follow dont need reads, just play themselves.
Am in the SB, short stacks fold. I find A's. BB is very aggressive, but bad aggressive, holding the 57k. I step out a little and flat hoping for a raise, wheras normally i make it an even 10k to go. He wastes no time in making in 18k total to go. He's effectively committed himself so I put him in, he insta calls, proudly showing JQo..........
10K46...9 I bite my tongue and refuse to tilt. I have to feel like its played perfect as he get his stack in crushed, I'm holding a quater of his outs but still...Perhaps I could have avioded it by not flatting. Got to feel from his confidence with JQ, he'd of jammed any raise I made anyhow

Few hands later I pick up K's on the button.I only have around 30k left. I dont want to pick up the blinds so stupidly step out again going for the double up, min to 8k, hoping to get jammed on. Donkey calls from the SB. Flop comes down 59J. He checks, I bet half my remaining stack, he puts me in I call, he shows 59, I miss.
Preventible with stronger pre flop play I have to feel. But I should love the spot with A's, but felt like I had to gamble the double up with K's. Grrrrrrrrrr.
Do you play the spots different?
hand 2 - all good just unlucky
I spoke to "donkey" afterwards and he said he knew you'd completed the blind strong, but just felt it was 10's or lower so was happy to flip for a chance to win 1st place money. Pretty grim though. By the look on your face you knew you were behind when he put you in (holding K's) so maybe you could have folded looking for 3rd place cash.
UL tho "statto"
I'm unlikey to cash with effectively 2bb's going onto the bb bud nxt hand. I'm in "blind".
hand 2 i just open shove with 6 bigs
you got the action you wanted on both hands so wp ul gg
I shouldnt have got tricky with it, served no purpose other than to maybe show off, so in my egotistical little soul, I know I likely deserved it.
hand2 just shove no need to get fancy with 6BB is it? dont think you can fold on that flop either pretty ul still but prefer jamming tehy call you alot wider because of your stack your pretty much saying you have aces/kings face up by the way you played it
I guess I just wanted to punish him with the K's, which was just dumb. Kind of went against my instincts so I must have been steaming still.
I did feel strongly that he'd raise out of the BB when i was holding A's, but I should have made it my normal raise regardless I guess
With the K's I distinctively remember thinking that I didnt just want the blinds, that I'd have to gamble the double up.
2nd hand your forgiven i believe we call that tilt lol after you have done similar trick with aces pretty does make your hand transparent so i prefer the jam but obviously wasn't meant to be, feels sicker live in my experiance these bad beats lol