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i have a question concerning moving up stakes i am a better tourney player but trying to improve cash game i play mainly 2p-4p stakes atm due mainly to bankroll when i wish to move up stakes say to 5-10p what bankroll would you advise 100x max buy in? or i this 2 steap or waht is the general rule people follow?
thank all
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what would you consider your style?
if you are a TAG and play 1/2 tables then I would say that 30BI is more than fine. if you are LAG and play 3/4 then you should be looking at 50BI or so.
you should only be looking at having 100Bi plus if you are doing poker for a living and playing higher stakes so you would need that extra cushion.
If you only play 1 or 2 tables i would even say 20 buy ins is fine depending on your style. If you play loose and aggressive then you may need a few more as the swings will be bigger.