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Played well or losing value?
3bet pre great.
Your making a pot sized bet on the flop right? I think half/one third of you stack is as obvious as the jam. You have two customers who may outdraw if you give cheep/free card. Jams fine in my opinion. Your likely called by 9's through J's, potentially AK. Built a nice pot pre, protected it with the jam, but still getting called wide enough for extra value.
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and is my pre flop re raise a good size?
Thank you , i was thinking one them had to have AK by the way its played and i didnt want them hitting.
the original raiser raises every hand pre and 3 bets you every hand so i made the bet 2.60 as i know he calls. maybe i should of make it 3pound ish?
so should i of just shoved pre with QQ then if im pretty sure hes calling?
Again im not a love of that action with AT but you has reads.