I read this "will be played tomorrow" on Sunday , looked at the Sunday schedule and it wasn't there so assumed it meant Monday. BUT it isn't there either . So is the mythical "tomorrow" going to be the the day after eternity or is it really yesterday. Next time specify the date for any rerun please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
llest found this hope it helps everyone : SkyBetHelp 19:30 £1k guaranteed has been cancelled. It will be rerun tomorrow with a free buy-in for tonights entrants, buy-ins have been refunded. 10 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite Posted by lawman05
They did clearly state Sunday, I cashed for £3 wiii can go buy myself some lunch today only messing was a relief horrid day yesterday better then nothing outdrawn as always though
when they said "tomorrow" did they mean tonight or yesterday ? It DOES depend on when you read it and as I read it on sunday and couldn't find it in the lobby I now presume I've missed it ! Or is it the eternal tomorrow ay the end of time ?
Was yesterday mate so yes you have missed it, usually if they say tomorrow it does make sense if you read what day its been posted. no disrepect but its not hard especially if its something you really want to play
n Response to Re: 7.30 £1K guaranteed, "no prizes" in lobby?:
when they said "tomorrow" did they mean tonight or yesterday ? It DOES depend on when you read it and as I read it on sunday and couldn't find it in the lobby I now presume I've missed it ! Or is it the eternal tomorrow ay the end of time ?