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PTP Tonight - Reverse Upside Down Double Wubble. TWO Free Entries on offer.
To QUALIFY for the prizes, firstly you.....
MUST Post your name on this thread.
MUST play EITHER the 8pm Main tonight (£22), OR the 8.15 Mini tonight.
How to WIN?......
0 ·
For my PTP tonight, I'll be donating in the Three DTD Forum Tourneys, as follows.....
7.15, £2.20 Deepstack
7.45, £1.10 Deepstack
8.30 - £2.20 TOTTY
If I can, I'll also be playing the 8pm Main, & 8.15 Mini, too.
Plus, at 9pm, a private League game elsewhere, so plenty to do.
I'm offering TWO free Tournament Entries tonight, being.....
Tuesday's night's Open, FREE ENTRY valued at £22
Tuesday night's Mini-Open, Entry valued at £2.20.
How to qualify, & win?......
EDIT @ 6.45pm.
I'm now also playing the 8pm Main, & 8.15pm Mini.
The player who Posts his name on this Thread & goes FURTHEST in the 8pm Main tonight wins a £2.20 Mini-Open seat for Tuesday evening.
The player who Posts his name on this thread & goes furthest in tonight's 8.15pm Mini-Open wins a free seat worth £22 in Tuesday's Main Event.
Plus there is a soooooooooooooper bonus.........
Play in BOTH Tourneys tonight, & if you last longest in EITHER, (having Posted on thread) you get entry to BOTH the 8pm Main on Wednesday, and the 8.15pm Mini on Wednesday. (In addition to the prizes on Tuesday noted above).
Good luck all.
Thanks for the reply max, still not sure but ill put my name down for the mini incase i do play it
thanks tikay
both please
TommyD - Playing the main.
That's me jinxed for tonight then, loverley.
Thanks for all the entries.
The closing time for entries is 8pm SHarp, NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 8PM.
I have 6 Tourneys to play this evening, so will not be able to monitor the thread during the evening, but I'll sort the winners out tomorrow morning.
If you think you have won one of the prizes, please make a claim on the Thread - I'm sure if there are any "dubious" claims, the internet police will spot them!
Good luck all.