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30nl. Shove, or value bet?
Very first hand at the table.
Villain is a low stakes HU cash player, and does very well at the lower levels.
First time I've really seen him at 6max cash, so no reads, but I imagine coming from a HU background he's fairly aggressive and competent in bvb situations.
Pretty sure he's taking a shot here, or is only recently rolled for the level, as I haven't played him before, I'm not sure how this will effect his game and didn't want to make any assumptions without watching a few orbits first.
The hand has played out pretty standard so far, I've sized the bets to leave a pot sized bet behind to give me the option of shoving the river......
But is this neccesserily the best option given the limited information I've got?
Would you shove, or value bet? And what size?
Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
shaun09 | Small blind | | £0.15 | £0.15 | £31.79 |
DOHHHHHHH | Big blind | | £0.30 | £0.45 | £29.70 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
kingadg26 | Fold | | | | |
RyanRio115 | Fold | | | | |
shaun09 | Raise | | £0.75 | £1.20 | £31.04 |
DOHHHHHHH | Call | | £0.60 | £1.80 | £29.10 |
Flop |
| | | | | |
shaun09 | Bet | | £1.20 | £3.00 | £29.84 |
DOHHHHHHH | Raise | | £3.90 | £6.90 | £25.20 |
shaun09 | Call | | £2.70 | £9.60 | £27.14 |
Turn |
| | | | | |
shaun09 | Check | | | | |
DOHHHHHHH | Bet | | £6.30 | £15.90 | £18.90 |
shaun09 | Call | | £6.30 | £22.20 | £20.84 |
River |
| | | | | |
shaun09 | Check | | | | |
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KJ spades? him, i would probably re-raise pre although we're out of positon i think he could be raising pretty wide here
well i dont think any value bet on the river we are getting called by worse, what hands do you think we beat which he shows up with here? He defo doesnt fold any flushes whether its low or not, by shoving i think your only getting hands that you crush fold anyway. Me a nit from you lol thank you
I think I make a weakish value bet to £8 or so, I reckon he has AK/AJ, may pay you off with AK, not with AJ. Could have A5s, perhaps- he's unlikely to just flat your reraise with A7 on that board.
I think £8 has a chance of being paid off by worse, betting more is pretty much getting called by a flush and nothing else. He looks like he's trying to get to showdown as cheaply as possible to me, rather than trapping- so don't let him. Be ruthless. £8-10 is a nice price to charge him to see your cards.
He don't like the turn card much so he scared of a flush me thinks.
£12,25 seems apt, but your not folding to a shove if you bet less he may move on you and jam with this he knows you ain't folding so he can't bluff you. If he shows you the flush then just kick something and call yourself a donk
I know nothing about the player but hey he might have the flush but I just can't see why he would play it that way. You raised his flop bet and then he checks the turn when the spade comes
What happened ?
Easily make his hand on turn, elects to check as knows Opponent has at least top pair. Gets what he wants smooth calls turn.
River checks again. He either has an A10/9 hand or is playing a flush deceptively against a very transparent Apic hand. So when it comes down to weighing up the value bet against perceived value, its pretty marginal IMO, I'm happy to check it back.
Look at it this way if you have the flush would you check the river.
Why would you when your loosing so much value by not betting the river.
You know the guy will 9/10 check back on that board so you have to bet your flush on the river.
So hence why he may not have the flush
Yep fully agree
But take the thinking and approach up a level. Doh's range here is pretty well defined here after re raising flop. You can then play your made flush in two ways against a transparent hand. Your are potentially missing value on the river, but many would gamble the option to check raise the pot committed player.
But as its first orbit at table, why stick both feet across the line without a feel for opponents tendancies?
I think unless you hand is well disguised you can not check the turn praying this guy is going to bet and you check/shove on him. If he had a hidden straight or something yeah why not check as the other guy is going to bet for value on the river. With the board showing a flush to anyone 9/10 players will check/back given the oppurtunity. Basically it just makes no sense to check the river in this spot with the board as it is unless he is holding such a weak flush. If Doh is thinking he may be holding a weak flush then hey ho what you going to do just shove it up him ? Will he fold his weak flush, because he looks like he gone into check/call mode.
Thing is we know you have to bet your hands for value. But there are many other players who would be happy to slow play their made flush here. Over sample size betting your hand for value is the best line to take. Many people dont think along these lines, or approach the game in such a broad way. He does risk missing out on huge value holding the flush, but he easily still could gamble this line, more so at turn than river though.
Just in this instance, with not feeling the flow of the game yet or opponents tendancies (being the first hand) I'm happy to check. Dont need to felt him this quickly
Betting seems pretty thin, on the other hand I expect him to have AK lots. If hes good he's not leading river with a flush, he either c/r turn or calls and checks river to you.
Fcuk it, readless with top 2 bvb I stick it in, hope to get called by AK maybe a heroic AJ. I think this is pretty close though. I dont see any point in betting small, hes either herocalling with a bluffcather or folding