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Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal! but seriously tell me this is normal. - EVEN DOHHHHH HAS TO JOIN AREA 51 AFTER READING TH
Pmsl this is the best hand history I've seen for a while.
You're on tilt so you shove 100xbb w/AQ and 4 people behind....
Get 3 callers, thats bad enough.....
They show....
And ACES!!!
0 ·
On a plus note, your table selection is good.....
Hand 1. Find J's 3 bet 2 players, shorter stack jams priced in to call they show AK and AQ, nice spot, K binks turn
Very next hand Hand 2. I pick up J's again. Great player mixing it up in LP raises (been raising alot) nitty player re raises him. Ordinarily I muck my J's here, but pretty sure mixing it up guy cant take the heat and I'll race for stacks vs nitty I just get dealt J's hand before and lost so I'm bound to win this one...:)
I jam BIG. Good player mixing it up, Snaps me off so I know I'm crushed. Nitty player must figure he's priced in so cry calls. My JJ Good player KK Nit KJ
578J4. Spawn card for the win! Mahoosive chip leader and bring it home. So YES, this is normal.
4 HANDED other night. Guess who had the K's