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Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
0mc | Small blind | £1.50 | £1.50 | £908.25 | |
offshoot | Big blind | £3.00 | £4.50 | £657.45 | |
Your hole cards |
| ||||
peg1 | Fold | ||||
ajs4385 | Raise | £12.00 | £16.50 | £734.25 | |
lolufold | Call | £12.00 | £28.50 | £1438.86 | |
muse12 | Fold | ||||
0mc | Fold | ||||
offshoot | Raise | £39.00 | £67.50 | £618.45 | |
ajs4385 | Fold | ||||
lolufold | Call | £30.00 | £97.50 | £1408.86 | |
Flop | |||||
| |||||
offshoot | Bet | £72.00 | £169.50 | £546.45 | |
lolufold | Raise | £253.13 | £422.63 | £1155.73 | |
offshoot? |
it's lolufold
I have absolutely no idea, unlike most players he could have almost anything here. I think it's relatively unlikely he has QQ-AA, though definitely not impossible. I think I'd be surprised if he doesn't 4bet QQ pre, though he may have slowplayed KK/AA on you- and if he was playing QQ, now would be a very tough time to be reraising like that, he's unlikely to get action from anything he's beating.
Was he getting a good price here to setmine? You're both plenty deep, so yes- I think so. I find it fairly difficult to imagine him calling that sized bet with a hand like 56h, though I suppose AQh is possible- and you're in fairly bad shape against that. I guess AKh is in his range too, though a little cagey if it was?
I think it boils down to him having a set, the NFD+overs, or some loopy lolufold play, which he's totally capable of. I really don't know enough about what kind of history the two of you have, because I think the metagame is paramount here. Whatever he does is going to be based on his perception of you and how the game was playing.
Just my instinct, but I think out of all his possible holdings a set is the one I'm leaning furthest towards, I'd probably put him on a set of 4's. But he knows that it's very unlikely you have a set on this board, or any draw unless you 3bet with AKh specifically, and he knows you're good enough to lay down an overpair, which is what he'll be putting you on when you make that bet, so it could be a move still.
I'm really nowhere near good enough to properly get my head round this.
*edit* wait, I just looked closer at the preflop action. I'm pretty sure now QQ-AA isn't in his range, AA there's an outside chance but QQ-KK just about zero chance.
Definitely leaning more towards a set now. The 3 bet pre with JJ I like, and probably gets through most of the time.
Pre flop i think your good looks like smaller pp here, So i think you played it well
Post flop i really think we have to fold, i dont think Redmond is going to be getting it all in here worse ever unless he's split up with his missus lol
I reckon he's got a set, I agree with deuces i dont think QQ-AA he flats pre, i think possibly AQ suited also in his range here too but he's scared me
I think Lolufold can call here pretty wide because were deep enough but cant remember him doing it often. I think his raise size is also interesting.
I hate these spots, really do and normally end up folding myself.
Thing is Lolraise def 4 bets you pre with a better starting hand than you. He also puts you in post with 9's 10's and any two paint H's + all the H wheel draws I think.
Just becomes a question of did he hit his set, or do you elect to race his draw(s) for me
Looks a bit like a set but does lolufold overbet his sets against you offshoot?
The action preflop gives him an indication that you have a big hand going in to this and maybe thinks you cant put it down on this flop so is going for absolutely maximum value. The only other sort of hand he could turn up with is the flush draw with two overcards, maybe something like A,Q of hearts.
Its lolufold, could be anything!
I prefer flatting pre this deep, mainly because oop against a good player with JJ sucks.Like thats a great flop for you and it stills sucks when he raises. I would make it bigger pre if I did 3bet against 2 opponents
I think his range is pretty wide here 200BB deep, almost any hand he flats opener with he prob calls the 3bet with ip. I doubt he has QQ+ unless you squeeze a lot. I also dont agree he 4bets QQ, I doubt its a good idea this deep, and he may sometimes flat 3bets with KK,AA but its pretty unlikely when he just flat opener
I really dont know what he has, dynamic is pretty important, Id imagine he has draws and air at least as much as sets (surely he sometimes flats sets?), I doubt he raises TT,99 . I'm leaning towards shoving but idk could be spew
89 hearts
intresting he flats AJS and then you, could be big or marginal :S
Could be anything
think you fold yes
Set or big draw,
Btw lolufold is nowhere near as lag as they make out on tv, there are other regs way looser.
For a bonus point Why is lolufold very unlikly to three bet pre in this spot.
Looks very much like a huge draw.
I dont think he peels that wide pre fwiw
every1 knows i cant fold so...
If he had a pr, would he set mine or more likey 3 bet AJS.
Why flat pre? obv he wants crazy muse and omc in the pot.
The raise size on the flop, seems to look like a huge draw.
I cant decide if he would flat pre with AA or KK.
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 28.414% 28.41% 00.00% 4782 0.00 { JcJs }
Hand 1: 71.586% 71.59% 00.00% 12048 0.00 { 88, 44-33, 9h8h, 9h7h, 8h7h, 8h6h, 8h5h, 7h6h, 7h5h, 6h5h }
Oh lolufold can have air here? can/will he ever fold after the raise on the flop? it will be />100bb more to call a shove.
I dont watch these guys on TV so I have no idea how they play
Why he flats pre.
1, hoping muse will 3bet, muse will 3 bet the button with a very wide range.
2, To bring omc into the hand, he will call a standard open with a very marginal hand.
3, he has a drawing hand that will play well in a multi way pot (5,7s) and he dont want to get 4 bet by AJS or the blinds.
He may well of flat called with AA KK in the hope of option 1 or 2. If he was to then 4bet offshoot he has turned his hand face up, so he has to flat offshoot.
I still think with the size of the raise on the flop, its a combo draw. Im sure im wrong.
I'm also not sure he turns his hand face up if he backraises either, but thats pretty dependent on dynamic
I was watching the show but honestly do not remember the hand.