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Survivor - Worth buying-in tonight?
Was just looking at the prizepool and it seems likely that there will be an overlay for tomorrow. Is it worth buying-in at this late stage for the £32?? Seriously considering it
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1. How good a poker player you are! I know thats an obvious one but If you have a look at the list of runners tonight (40 but will prob rise to 60)you'll see the cream is rising to the top in this tourney. (I guess it does in any tourney?)
2. Can you afford to lose £32 from your bankroll.
I'd say experience in this type of tourney is essential at this stage. I'm prob stating the obvious?
I entered on Sunday night for £1 and got 3 x nights (3 x nights longer than I expected)of some excellent poker experience! It worked out at 30p per hour LOL!
Let us know if you enter and I'll keep an eye out in lobby. I'm looking forward to watching a couple of tables tonite!