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My introduction to running bad....
I havent had a winning session for about a week now (not one of any note anyway) and have lost a third of my bankroll which is not nice considering the effort put in to building it. The greatest frustration is not hitting the flop at all ever!!! So I think I'm chasing the cards a little too much by way of compensating.
So two questions please, first, your reaction to this hand...
In this situation I'm playing against someone who is playing every hand and calling every raise and I literally mean every hand preflop, and then he's doing all kinds a wierd stuff leaving himself with literally anything on the river.
However, should I have not called the all-in?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance30jonnySmall blind £0.02£0.02£3.28phillip176Big blind £0.04£0.06£0.51 Your hole cardsAK ZedsDeadBaRaise £0.16£0.22£4.63mrmartFold dunn88Call £0.16£0.38£5.0830jonnyCall £0.14£0.52£3.14phillip176Fold Flop 10Q4 30jonnyCheck ZedsDeadBaBet £0.39£0.91£4.24dunn88Fold 30jonnyRaise £0.78£1.69£2.36ZedsDeadBaCall £0.39£2.08£3.85Turn 6 30jonnyBet £2.08£4.16£0.28ZedsDeadBaCall £2.08£6.24£1.77River Q 30jonnyAll-in £0.28£6.52£0.00ZedsDeadBaCall £0.28£6.80£1.4930jonnyShow97 ZedsDeadBaShowAK 30jonnyWinFlush to the Queen£6.29 £6.29
Secondly, I'm constantly finding myself at the turn having raised pre with lets say AKo in the c/o with a Q983 board and my pre and c-bets having been flat-called, I know my check gets raised, and any further bet is chip spew, half the time this is just poker I understand that, but because I'm not hitting anything at all at the moment I'm getting myself tangled up hand after hand and finding myself on the river with Ace high! Or QQ on a 986KA Board, etc!
I try making my preflop bets bigger but this just has the added effect of reducing my buy-ins more quickly.
Any Ideas on how to arrest the slide? Apart from taking up golf!
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Missing the turn results in me meekly giving up invariably.
In this situation I'm playing against someone who is playing every hand and calling every raise and I literally mean every hand preflop, and then he's doing all kinds a wierd stuff leaving himself with literally anything on the river
Preflop HAS to be 20p minimum.
Flop against two players I'm in check fold mode, yes it's weak but remember you have NO HAND, NO DRAW.
Turn I wouldn't have got there but why the hell are you calling a pot bet with air, forget K hgih flush draw with one card to come.
River is inconsequential but yet again you pay him off the rest.
For me the minimum you should lose in this hand is 20p the raise preflop if you don't get cheap/free card to see turn GIVE UP.
Thats embarrassing.
I cant really explain my play other than a combination of my desperation to make a hand, and the belief he was playing worse than me.
P/F has to be a bigger.
I dont mind the c bet, but im suspicious as to the re-raise, i would possibly give it up then(depending on oppo's style)
I think its pretty clear he has a flush when the turn hits, i wouldn't call a pot size bet
Even when the river doesn't hit ur king high flush, u still give him the last 28p lol
Not a very good hand imo.
On the specifics, as DOHHHHHH said a few weeks back, at 4NL with a big hand pre flop, 'just keep bashing the raise button until it is a big number'.
I dont know your bankroll but i find when i am running bad its quite satisfying playing 0.30p DYM's just to get your tilt out there, its like therapy at such a low cost. Just throw chips about until you are the one handing out bad beats to someone else. Its frickin ace for tilt!
Right, thats now posted-it to my monitor.
Appreciate the constructive advice. Its not nice putting oneself up for ridicule but needs must I suppose.
I thought I had patience but I've hardly hit a flop in about a week and thats not hyberbole! I know that shouldn't be an excuse to start playing garbage but is it possible to go so long with Nothing or I could I be imagining it's worse than it is?