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Heres the dilema i am facing - For some reason all i keep doing is running quiet deep in tournies but only ever min cashing! Dont get me wrong this is good for grinding up a bankroll, bust as we all know online tournies are very top heavy, what areas of my game should i be looking to improve if i am to take down a big one?
Cheers, Mick
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I would suggest playing tighter as soon as the bubble bursts, ppl with low chips will look to shove and double up. so i tighten up abit and let the shorties battle it out.
What sort of position do u find urself in when bubble bursts? (avg stack, low stack, big stack)
If your confident enough you can loosen up just before bubble bursts as no one will want to get knocked out.
Just a couple of tips that i use..hope they help.
ps. if u want post some hands u bust out in the poker clinic as alot of ppl will help u.
maybe loosen up early in tournament to try build a stack
A player who can win 1 in every 20 tournaments will make a much bigger profit than a player who can min-cash in 15 out of every 20, even if he wins nothing at all in the other 19.
For example;
In last Sunday's Primo a min cash was worth £104.25, first prize was £3753.00.
In the (highly unlikely) event that a player could manage a min-cash 15 out of 20 times that player would make a profit of £463.75 (15 x £104.25 - 20 x £55.00)
A player who can win 1 in 20 (much more feasible) would make a profit of £2653.00 (£3753.00 - 20 x £55.00)
So over 20 tournaments the 1 win guy makes nearly 6 times as much profit as the min-cash specialist.
Hopefully this randomly picked example can help players reading this thread understand that gambling for a tournament win is the optimal strategy, playing it safe for a min cash is not. Good luck.
Also run good.
try to avoid calling off flips if you can, id rather shove for a 40/60 than call off a 50/50.