As I've mentioned I've been putting alot of time online recently.
One thing remains the same as when I used to play habitually. Getting the money in a huge favourite pre/on flop/at turn. Then binking of river sets.
No joke has happened 3 times in last hour, also more than I'd like yesterday.
AJ vs 55 80% of money goes in at turn JJ 9 4 5
AQ vs 77 all in on flop AQ4 (blank) 7
AK vs QQ Allin on river, most money in by turn A779 Q.
This was a big reason as to why I stopped playing cash online, as it happened 19 times in a four day session, just prior to me saying "No more". How can you win when facing the river set repeatedly.
I know the math, but I have to ask is this normal? With the higher HPH am I just latching on to negative beats. Do some of you guys experience high frequency of this? Or is it just relative to the increased HPH? Its really tempting me to become a 51er again.
Live I can likely count the times I've suffered this phenomenon on one hand (River spiking the set
@5%). But I do play differently live, as most people do I believe (called down lighter/pot control etc)
ok, you are running bad
dont start playing bad
But am running horrendously live and online, but its to be expected really as I've been on a real heater this quarter, only losing in the very minority of live cash, but winning big (9BI @50/£1 avg) over multiple live sessions weekly, with a few decent live MTT cashes mixed in also. So I cant complain really.
I think I've won 4 significant pots in 9 days, losing alot though with money in 70% or better (like 95% better).
I havent had a real break in awhile so thinking of going somewhere remote with copious amounts of red stuff.
My point is the above is all just short term math showing extremes. That is what is happening to you right now. If you can level it off in your head, keep going. If it's slanting your play, take a break and come back refreshed.
You and I know all you can do is go in ahead the rest is down to lady luck.

But I do find this happens a lot more when you play v bad players
Just play through it and try not to tilt
I had a terrible bad run last night so when my AA got cracked by an outdraw to trips and my set on the flop got bettered by a higher set on the turn. I just went to bed before it got worse
But the thing is it will turn around and you will be the one handing out bad beats because no one is more lucky than anyone else, it all evens out eventually.
If you going in ahead your playing well so just keep at it untill your luck turns.
If you take away the bad beats then you would be very hot right now !!
This is one of my weaknesses as a player. I dont tilt (live) but I do take barrages of bad beats very badly and lose confidence for awhile until it comes round again. Thing is am meant to be goig to the vic for 4 days next week and I really just dont feel like it now. As I have a rule about not playing when being negative.
Like it or not NLHE is a streaky game, shouldnt be, but is. Have downloaded wsop me 06 through 10 to sit and watch through again. Always a guilty pleasure
Bit off topic but my father died about 2 weeks ago which I think maybe the real cause of my issues. Math aside my focus probably isnt what it ought to be, nor my dicipline. Always believed you have to be emotionally neutral to play your A game. Biggest online Tournament I ever played was a $4500 massive guarentee on FT (satellieted in), I wouldnt let anyone speak to me for 2 days prior, just to stay emotionally balanced. Then I drew a table with Eli Elezra which was not fun.