Lol, this is how I'm running just now

Tried to show some dicipline so dropped down following my river set nightmares.
20c/40c 6 max. Come in with $100 on my BB fold, find 4's next hand in SB. Utterly readless.
Folds round I make it $1.5, happy to take it pre or show strength to take on flop, standard. BB makes it up.
HU B on B $3 in pot
4J5r. I never slow play in these spots as opponent is expecting a c-bet much of the time, normally happy to float or play back. I lead pot he snap calls
HU $9
4J5 Q. I dont really see any reason to slow down so fire $7.2 at turn. Cant really put him on anything, but if he called flop he's still likely to call wide at turn. He click raises me to $14.4. Turn hasnt brought any significant daws, make it $39 to go praying he jams on me as I have about $56 back. Seems pretty standard to put me in with a hand. He flats.
HU $87 in pot $56 back
4J5Q 6. No flush gets there.
I cant really decide to value jam or let him do it for me, but like I said dont know his tendancies. Figure I potentially miss too much value if he checks back TPGK so jam, he snaps me off with 78o.
My one hand played today
You put it in at turn? Kind of feel my stacks too big. His click back is obv a range finder at turn, designed to jam any river card after instilling some doubt. Cannot see straight just now. But any card 10 or higher is potentially a bad card for me, maybe I should have protected my hand more, my game is totally off I think.
looks fine to me
Thinking about getting off the bike for awhile