Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Had multituder of bad beats today, (seems to be the case most ays) and as the site has decreasing players by the day have concluded that the people who have left have more brains than me ( and money) I could bore people an name them but no point as the numbers speak for themselves.
Good luck all who persever but In think you may find that if as in my case you try to play as they bang on about on Sky Poker you wil come a cropper.................
Had enuff now so will try and locate a decent site where possibly the wiining hand may hold up.
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everysite's the same..look on youtube ppl are putting bad beats up all the time from jokerstars.
Last one of many from yesteray.