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Would you call on the river?
This one puzzled me a lot (and cost me a lot too). Did I do something wrong ?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceAidy40Small blind £0.02£0.02£3.52boing77Big blind £0.04£0.06£0.89 Your hole cardsKA walesboyFold 8mealRaise £0.08£0.14£1.91lastpoet22Raise £0.16£0.30£4.61zulu1Fold Joey19Call £0.16£0.46£0.81LastogoCall £0.16£0.62£3.14Aidy40Fold boing77Fold 8mealCall £0.08£0.70£1.83Flop 92K 8mealBet £0.04£0.74£1.79lastpoet22Raise £0.43£1.17£4.18Joey19Fold LastogoCall £0.43£1.60£2.718mealFold Turn 7 lastpoet22Bet £0.56£2.16£3.62LastogoCall £0.56£2.72£2.15River 6 lastpoet22Bet £0.32£3.04£3.30LastogoAll-in £2.15£5.19£0.00lastpoet22Call £1.83£7.02£1.47lastpoet22ShowKA LastogoShowJ10 LastogoWinFlush to the King£6.49 £6.49
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Fold river to shove as played
raise more on flop
bet turn bigger
bet river bigger, as played fold to shove
personally i fink u knew he had a flush(as u bet more on turn but less on river
should of folded.
Raise to 80p on flop.
Turn bet £1.40
River shove.
Bet minimum 3/4 pot on flop.
Bet minimum 3/4 pot on turn.
If you do this, you can shove river.
As played its a pretty standard fold at 4nl.
Dont worry about the result, just play your end correct and over time you will be ok.