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is a cold deck or could i slow down
Hand History #377989570 (19:47 02/06/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerocket_manSmall blind 30.0030.004242.50winnie29Big blind 60.0090.004742.50 Your hole cardsA8 sikasFold julie1971Call 60.00150.007023.75diesel4Fold rocket_manRaise 180.00330.004062.50winnie29Call 150.00480.004592.50julie1971Call 150.00630.006873.75Flop A85 rocket_manCheck winnie29Check julie1971Bet 630.001260.006243.75rocket_manRaise 2047.503307.502015.00winnie29Fold julie1971Call 1417.504725.004826.25Turn K rocket_manAll-in 2015.006740.000.00julie1971Call 2015.008755.002811.25rocket_manShowA8 julie1971ShowKA River 10 julie1971WinTwo Pairs, Aces and Kings8755.00 11566.25
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Say this flop comes A95 How does it play? Do you stack him off when he opens for the pot sized bet?
But as it does stand you flop top2 and get all your money in vs 1 opponent who has essentially 3 outs. Flop play is fine.
But raising from the SB your going to be OOP one every street vs the limped hand, who is more often than not calling your raise pre. I limp along and try and flop a whoppa/pot control.