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Should i be folding here..?
Played this hand, and having the nut flush draw and nut straight draw i called and lost, Was i wrong.? or should i of played it differently.?
I tried to copy and paste the hand and it didnt come out correctly.? any pointers please?
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My hole cards pre flop AS JS i raise 3 times the blind to £1.50
I am then reraies by the Button upto £5.50 which i call to see the flop.
the flop comes down QC 9S 10S i have a nut flush draw and a possible nut straight draw..
I bet maybe to low, a bet of £2, i am then reraised which puts me all in so considering my draws i call and lose to J9 diamonds with pair of nines..
Apart from my flop bet beeing weak, maybe i shoudl of reraised pre flop..?
should i of folded on the flop with the draws i had.?
Worst case scenario he has JK, your still close to 40%
Your statistically beating a set.
Bet size is likely a draw.
Snapping it off in a cash game
flop i would either lead bigger or c/heck raise with intention of getting it in
with out doubt i think i played the hand badly, my bet size both pre flop and on the flop was wrong, in reality actually making the call with all the outs i had im 95% certain in my own head it was right and perhapps most people would call it 9 out of 10 times. it wasnt like i had 100% of my bankroll in play..
Flop Qc 9s 10s (QQQ - 999 - 101010)
Four 8's Four K's 6 flush cards (Ks 8s Qs deducted) 14 x 2.2 x 2 = 68%
Even shaving off 2 outs your a coinflip
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 39.848% 39.39% 00.45% 390 4.50 { AsJs }
Hand 1: 60.152% 59.70% 00.45% 591 4.50 { 9c9h }
download pokerstove and run some hands through it, you will find that the 4x rule becomes pretty inaccurate at 10+ outs
I looked into this after you mentioned it before. I'm not a huge online player these days and dont use it.
Thing I have to say is that I know most poker % (or think I know them) by wrote. Any time you see a % hand in any WSOP or EPT event the hand % are exactly where they ought to be from my understanding, 10+ or nay.
So does pokerstove supercede these, being more accurate overall?
c/r flop, as played its a snapcall