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right....your down to 7th....just outside the money.....bang!.....Ace King (surprise surprise)....the hand you can't fold..... Even though you know....without doubt....there's 2 Ace's waiting for you with the sky player across the table....... How do you know?......because the same thing is continually happening to you time after time..after tiimmee...(trailing off there for dramatic effect)....but your always's not possible that i could be caught the same hand...for the umpteenth time.noooo...not in so short a time period.....LOL...your playing a computor which randomly generates numbers for players its not making any money off... I've just decided that i'm willing to pay to play poker with absolutely no chance of ever winning...which proves how successful these sites are...because that's what there programmed to do to you....
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why play here if you dont think you get a fair game?
i normally lose ak to small pp's lol.
+1 on what grantorino said though
1) you have a bad feeling
2) like me not a big fan of the hand
3) have at least an average or above average stack
4) you clearly know 'AA is waiting for you'
you don't always have to get all your chips in with AK cause its the right thing to do take a leaf out of allen kesslers book he can fold AA pre lol
Disclaimer: the thing about Allen Kessler is not a lie
We've also got to factor in the quality of players.....its just so hard to outplay hundreds of good solid playas these still get those that think a bet will continuously steal the hand...(god bless them)... but most playas are far too smart to get caught by this tactic now...though we all know there will be times when it is the only way we can win a pot we've invested too much in...and it still should be part of everyones game..though used sparingly...and disguised perfectly....looking forward to a game tonite...and win lose or draw...i hope i get a long i hope you all get a long run....but at my
you say you are getting quite deep in tourny's and enjoy the game so you must have a steady game,but we will always get dissapointed when we have a good run only to get knocked out with a decent hand.
i have lost count of the times i have said"if only that last hand held up"
gl at the tables.....dave
2hrs 4omins at deep stack....delighted...but no better off....cant play the big blinds at all....think i'm folding wrong hands and playing wrong hands...or does the sweaty palms...engorged adams apple....and a throat like a well wore flipflop..mean.....
A.).....the panic's setting in
B.).....the blinds are big...i'm busting for the toilet... and the next breaks 35mins away..or
C.).....i've too much space in the underwear department due to evacuation