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Hey guys just wondering how to play pocket pairs. Im pretty new to tournament play and am unsure how aggresive I should be with these hands like pocket 8s, 9s, 10, Js. Also, I always call the big blind with suited connectors then fold if re-raised before the flop. Is there a more sensible way of playing this hand?
Love the sight and appreciate any advice!
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Raising or folding preflop should always be your default settings preflop. If you are going to enter a hand that is unopened you should be raising whether this is with AA or 72o. Unless you have a hand with enormous implied odds or are confident of out playing your opponents down the streets you should not be looking to limp/call.
With the exception of when somebody calls to trap with a monster, the simple rule is this. A preflop raiser does not have to hit the flop to take down the pot whereas a preflop caller does.
As far as defending in the BB is concerned it is a habit that is not advisable, especially either early in tournies or in cash. Once the BB has been posted it is no longer yours and you should not consider trying to save it. However if you want to be calling raises with hands like suited connectors then i would suggest if possible you should be doing this from late position preferably the button. This way you will have position down the streets and can make much easier and better decisions. So in a nutshell defend your button rather than defend your BB.
remember with small pp's the only thing your really hoping for is to make a set, as the chances are ur opponent will have at least one overcard that beats u. so i wouldn't spend too much money to see a flop with a small pp(especially if there are alot of raises re-raises).
with ur mid pairs(8-jj) i would always raise if noone else has. if the flop comes dwn 7410 and ur holding jacks then this is a good flop, alot of 'fish' on the site would think they have a top pair with a 10 and go crazy, little do they know you have them beat.
if a flop comes ace queen 2, then be weary of ur opponent as its possible they have u beat(alot of ppl will call raises even with a rag ace).
tip: dont go spending too much money after flop(on a dangerous board) looking to make a set as i think the odds are like 7:1.
once you get to level 4 say 50/100 blinds then limping is never an option either fold or raise.
I'm never really limping into a hand though. If my stack cant accomadate a standard raise in EP with suited connectors (at least 8high) I'm folding.
Same goes for small PP's in EP 7's and lower. If you dont have the stack to properly play the hand you need to wait for the spot that you feel you have a highchance of doubling through, rather than dribbling your stack into click and pray flops.
If theres multi limps or a raise I will most likely come in cheap and limp or flat behind, if raising hasnt been thinning the field.
But if there's no limps or raise infront I'm wanting to take control of the pot there, rather than just initiating limpalooza
So yes, your right
as for the early stage of mtt, just limp with pp's hoping to hit a set, if u dont hit then i'd more than likely give it up.
in the latter stages of mtt pocket pairs are much more valuable hand