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I'm suuuch a donk. Please criticize me
Playing a live tourney this weekend. Highland Poker Tour, which is as big as it gets for my fledgling live poker career.
Slow structured and was feeling good.
Didn't play a hand for 45 mins. Then a couple of limpers before me and I don't think anyone's raising much so I limp along with;
Ks 10s.
Flop comes;
Kd 10d 7c.
A bet, a call, I re-raise about 4x original call. Fold, fold, Re-raise to roughly 3x my bet.
I immediately put him on 7s protecting from the flush draw. But I've outs.
I call.
Turn, a diamond. He checks. Should I have bet big here? I'm sure he's on 7s and is scared of the flush draw. But I sort of think two ds slow played too maybe, so check.
River, 7. He bets big. He can't have 10s, surely, he can't have Ks, surely? Quads? Flush? I still think he has 7s. I call for half my stack and he shows : 77. The exact hand I put him on. How stupid am I?
Take down a couple of decent standard pots to be up near average again.
Then get KaKh and one limper before me. 4x raise (standard surely) and original limper calls me.
7s, 5s, 2h.
I bet 3/4s pot and get a call.
Turn : 10s.
Check, I check back for pot control.
River bet : 9d.
She over bets the pot. I've played her HU before and know she only bets when she has. I put her on connecting spades.So I.... call. She show AsJs.
Both times I pretty much had read their hand. And still called. I'm suuuuch a donk.
I then got it all-in with 88s and got called by A3 which hit but I couldn't care less about that. Why did I mince my stack when I'd guessed their hands already? Is it only me that does that? I had the knowledge, and I chose to completely ignore it. I'm suuuuch a donk, do other people do things as stupid?
I later won the HU tourney with an entirely unbeaten record so I can't be entirley stupid. So why was I so stupid? I'm astounded at myself. Please critisize me, I need the catharsis.
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hand 2: b/f turn, with your reads fold river
in general though you cant put people on a single hand. Play according to the range of hands they might have, which you should be able to narrow as you go through the streets
To truly listen to your instincts and have the courage to go with what your gut tells you.
If something is screaming inside that your beat, without really knowing how, you usually are infact beat. Also when you know if you pull the trigger you'll take a pot down, but having the courage of your convictions.
sheesh how true is that......was in a freeroll tourney last night well into the game when I get 44.....there was a big raiser behind me and one a real numpty I limped when every effin fibre was screaming raise you fool...guess what happened?....yep the big raiser raises a lot, the other calls and I get scared and fold...still with everythang shouting call....flop brings a 4........turn brings a .........4.......aaaaaaaaargh .....LISTEN to ur would have trebled my stack......what a donk....
Don't worry to much we all do things and wonder "why the hell did i do that"! next time hopefully you will listen to that voice in your head,
we all learn by our mistakes GL
Also I think i out donk you check out "folding AA" in the poker clinic read that thread with interest!
Love the game tho.....(clearly haven't lost enuf yet !)
Hardest lesson in poker
"eemmm emmm I know I am beat, CALL!!!"
Go with you gut/read/tell - most of the time you will be right
You will loose a lot of money confirming you was right with your read
This is nothing to do with hands but about your state of mind. You say that this game is "as big as it gets for my fledgling live poker career". Then you didn't play a hand for 45 minutes.
Then you played 2 hands and on both of those you put the villain on the stone cold nuts (quads and nut flush).
Yes, both times they had the nuts but how often will that happen?
Overall, were you playing scared? Maybe it was the hands between these, those you did not play, that meant these 2 hands hurt so much?
I understand how this can happen - big game, play no hands for three quarters of an hour, then every card that hits the board scares you to death.
A point to ponder maybe?